Saturday, March 22, 2014

The World's Direction

I was having a conversation today with my father, an economics major, about politics, economics, and the direction society is headed in general. Eventually, the conversation arrived at social and economic programs, which led to further personal consideration.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Exclusionary Numbers

So I've been looking into a pattern regarding the addition of prime numbers, where n is the number of consecutive primes in the series (2 always being the first prime in the series), with n=3 being the lowest term in the series, represented by [2,3,5]. A range can be created when multiplying n by 2 and n by the largest prime. In this case, 6-15. There are numbers inside this series that cannot be reached by adding up n members of the nth series. For example, 14 is the only number that cannot be reached for n=3 (I call these "exclusionary numbers"). The following are the exclusionary numbers up through n=10:

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Regarding Theology -- An Email Series

Over the last six months, I have endured a transformation in views about theology, from Christianity, to Buddhism and Hinduism, to general Theism and Deism, to Agnosticism. The following are contents of an email, explaining how I made this transformation.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Regarding Time and the Speed of Light

Time can be slowed down through introduction of speed.

Time is a vector, with variable rates at which it can occur, as well as direction (forward or backward, (+/-)).

Time continues to slow until the speed of light is reached, at which point it becomes infinitely slow, or stops.
The speed of light cannot be exceeded.

However, neutrinos have been recorded as going faster, if only slightly.

My theory: When travelling faster than light, time progresses in an opposite direction proportional to the speed above light. A person is occurring at a rate that exceeds that of all the objects in the known universe, and compensation must be provided to create equilibrium (considering the speed of light cannot be exceeded). This compensation is found in the reversal of time, as the universe would contract instead of expand, causing the speed to be proportionately reduced (think of it as two lines an inch apart, with a line between them. If the lines contract to be .9 inches apart, so will the line between them contract).

This also means that intergalactic travel would become possible, as it could be predicted with 100% accuracy where interfering objects would be (we would have already seen their movement) and be possible to calculate at what variable speed movement must occur in order to avoid collision with celestial bodies.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Regarding Happiness

It's late. I'm lying in my bed, thinking about life, philosophy. What concerns me, what concerns others. And as you can tell from the title, I came to asking "What is happiness?" A lofty question, sure, but I realized I'd never asked it to myself. So, naturally, I thought more.